
Safari version?

brightpavilions 4 years ago updated by srikat 4 years ago 4

Hey there,

I love this extension and use it all the time to test my designs on different viewports However, I'm someone that prefers to use Safari as my main browser and I also like to test across browsers. 

WIth the release of Safari 14, Safari web extensions, support the same JavaScript APIs that other browsers use in their extensions. Apple is shipping an extension converter to let you port your extension quickly. When you run it, it’ll tell you if everything is going to work as expected. You can then package it in an Xcode project, sign it and submit it to the App Store.

Is this something you would consider doing? I'd gladly pay for it! Thanks!



Sorry guys, but it's not going to happen (at least not any time soon).

I have zero intention on spending any of my money on a Mac that I would only use for this (the cheapest 13" Air is ~$1200 where I live) and the $99/year (+ VAT) developer fee Apple is charging developers, just for the "privilege" of me publishing my extension to their store. 🙂

There's also the issue of actually porting, packaging, signing & publishing the extension, then fixing any problems that might arise over time due to this completely different flow Apple decided developers should go through. For Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera and even Firefox, the code base is roughly the same, there's no special tooling, you just zip the code and then you upload it to a web page. No additional software (like Xcode) needed, no packaging, no signing, no nothing.

Again, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but, in the end, it's just not feasible for me to do that.


I am also willing to pay for a safari version. I need this, please!


Yes! I would love to pay for it! I pledge $25! If you guys really want it please pledge at least the same!


Sorry guys, but it's not going to happen (at least not any time soon).

I have zero intention on spending any of my money on a Mac that I would only use for this (the cheapest 13" Air is ~$1200 where I live) and the $99/year (+ VAT) developer fee Apple is charging developers, just for the "privilege" of me publishing my extension to their store. 🙂

There's also the issue of actually porting, packaging, signing & publishing the extension, then fixing any problems that might arise over time due to this completely different flow Apple decided developers should go through. For Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera and even Firefox, the code base is roughly the same, there's no special tooling, you just zip the code and then you upload it to a web page. No additional software (like Xcode) needed, no packaging, no signing, no nothing.

Again, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but, in the end, it's just not feasible for me to do that.