
Set a size on new Chrome window open automatically

sosnov vladislav 8 year бұрын updated by Ionuț Botizan 7 year бұрын 3

I use this extension because on a 1440p monitor, to have chrome maximized makes pages unreasonably wide. I got the screen in order to have a longer vertical height for work, while keeping widescreen for other applications.

As a result, I size chrome to leave about 300 pixels of desktop visible on each size, but touching the top of the screen and the taskbar. The only problem is, every time a new chrome window is opened, it opens with about a 15 pixel offset downwards and to the right. Eventually the windows open with too much of the viewport off-screen, and the window set far right.

I simply saved my custom size+position as a single preset, but I still have to click the icon (set to cycle presets) to get a new window sized right.

Can you make it so a preset can be automatically loaded on new window load? Perhaps, it must be named "default" or "autoload" for safety, in order to trigger the function. This would be helpful and I'm sure web devs will like it too, opening tons of new windows wanting a specific size, but their positions all being shifted as windows/chrome does automatically would get very annoying.

Best regards and thank you for making this extension!



Hi Vladislav,

You can achieve the same thing as before by using a keyboard shortcut:

1. Open the "Settings" dialog

2. Go to "hotkeys"

3. Click on "configure the shortcuts"

4. Find "Window Resizer" in the list

5. Set a shortcut for "Cycle presets"

"Cycle presets" does the exact same thing as in the previous version.

As for your original request, it won't be implemented as it's beyond the scope of this extension, which is not managing windows, but helping web developers do their job.

Best Regards,


I will gladly send a small donation if this feature is implemented, if that's somehow possible. These devs working for free making everyone's life easier are very appreciated!

After the last update, this function (that I'm sure a lot of users use this for) has become harder to use - I used to be able to configure a single preset, and a single click on the extensions main button would set that one preset. Now you must click to open the popup, and click the only one in the popup window.


Hi Vladislav,

You can achieve the same thing as before by using a keyboard shortcut:

1. Open the "Settings" dialog

2. Go to "hotkeys"

3. Click on "configure the shortcuts"

4. Find "Window Resizer" in the list

5. Set a shortcut for "Cycle presets"

"Cycle presets" does the exact same thing as in the previous version.

As for your original request, it won't be implemented as it's beyond the scope of this extension, which is not managing windows, but helping web developers do their job.

Best Regards,
