
Previous version allowed preset trigger by clicking extension icon

schmidtjoe+winresizerext 8 years ago updated by designer drogers 7 years ago 6

In the previous version, there was the option to make clicking the extension icon trigger a resize automatically based on the only existing preset, instead of opening the popup. Am I missing something or was that done away with in v 2.2? Thanks!



Ok, ok, I here you guys! It will be coming back, just give me a few days to first try to figure out the issue some people have with re-sizing not working at all for them! :) After that I'll get back and fix this issue.




Yeah I'm missing this function too.
Seems like it's something they removed outright..

I hope they bring it back, otherwise I think I'm just going to have to find an alternative extension..
It's a shame.. this one did exactly what I wanted it to until now.

What the hell is done with the previous version..

Ridiculous update.. never expected.

How do I downgrade the version??


Ok, ok, I here you guys! It will be coming back, just give me a few days to first try to figure out the issue some people have with re-sizing not working at all for them! :) After that I'll get back and fix this issue.



Where are you at with adding this feature back to the app? Initially you said a few days but we're going on two months.