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Window Resizer no longer works correctly (with latest version)

Andrew Galperin منذ 11 سنة تم التحديث من قبل Ionuț Botizan منذ 10 سنة 4
The newest version of Window Resizer does something weird where the resulting window is freaking huge. It has the correct aspect ratio, as far as I can tell, but it's many times the size of the actual display you're trying to emulate. This basically makes it unusable.


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It is not my fault that you can't provide basic information about the bug you're allegedly experiencing, while all the other few hundred thousands of users have no problem. What you've told me so far is utter rubbish.
Also, this extension is aimed at developers so I will assume everyone that contacts me and doesn't say otherwise is one. Being a developer and not knowing what a window's viewport is or how to use Chrome's Developer Tools to get the innerWidth, innerHeight, outterWidth & outerHeight of the window (or the devicePixelRatio for that matter) is shameful, to say the least, and I will not waste my time teaching you what those are - you have Google for that.

FYI, Windows 7 won't let you make a window larger than the screen resolution so you could easily grab the title bar and move the window higher on the screen to see the bottom of it (not that this has any relevance, but to make you realize how stupid you sound when you say the window is so huge, it stretches beyond the bottom of the screen).

I can't fix something I can't see!
قيد المراجعة
Could you please answer me these:
  1. when does this happen: when you re-size the window or the viewport?
  2. what size do you want the window/viewport to be and what's the actual size you get (as reported by window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight & window.outerWidth / window.outerHeight)?
  3. the window.devicePixelRatio value
  4. operating system
  5. screen resolution
  6. Chrome version

Thank you!

P.S.: Please make sure that you don't have too many extensions' icons visible in the top right corner of the browser. These can prevent the window from re-sizing to really small widths (it's a Chrome thing and I can't do anything about it). Here's how you can temporarily hide unnecessary icons: http://screencast.com/t/yaPilrYmreP
Hi - I'm not sure what window vs. viewport means. I'm just using this add-on's icon in the top right, the way it came.

I'm trying to get it to 1024x768 size. I cannot see the actual size I get because the resulting window is so huge it stretches beyond the screen on the bottom. So clearly it's not actually 1024x768 size, which would be a lot smaller than my screen (and which it used to be until the add-on got broken a few weeks ago). The aspect ratio of this huge window may very well be correct, but that doesn't help me any.

Not sure what "window.devicePixelRatio value" means.

I've tried this on two different computers now (one home, one work). Both have identical specs:
OS = Windows 7, screen resolution = 1920x1080, Chrome version is 35.0.1916.114 m.

Bump - is anyone working on this?
ليس خطأً
It is not my fault that you can't provide basic information about the bug you're allegedly experiencing, while all the other few hundred thousands of users have no problem. What you've told me so far is utter rubbish.
Also, this extension is aimed at developers so I will assume everyone that contacts me and doesn't say otherwise is one. Being a developer and not knowing what a window's viewport is or how to use Chrome's Developer Tools to get the innerWidth, innerHeight, outterWidth & outerHeight of the window (or the devicePixelRatio for that matter) is shameful, to say the least, and I will not waste my time teaching you what those are - you have Google for that.

FYI, Windows 7 won't let you make a window larger than the screen resolution so you could easily grab the title bar and move the window higher on the screen to see the bottom of it (not that this has any relevance, but to make you realize how stupid you sound when you say the window is so huge, it stretches beyond the bottom of the screen).

I can't fix something I can't see!

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